In the Garden: November
Monthly guide for gardening tasks, forecasts, and more

In the Garden: October 
Monthly guide for gardening tasks, forecasts, and more
Update: This article has been updated to include additional to-do items for the fall garden, including Farmers' Almanac weather forecasts and moon phases, October 2015.

Fallen leaves lying on the grass in the November sun bring more happiness than the daffodils--Cyril Connolly
Fertilize: Fertilize strawberry beds with a 3-1-2 ratio fertilizer. Keep soil moist to promote good plant vigor and berry production next spring.

Water:  Water everything well before a freeze, but avoid overwatering.

Transplant:  Divide and replant crowded perennials throughout the winter months. Transplant chives, garlic and multiplying onions. Now is the best time to move woody ornamentals. Prepare the new site before transplanting.

Prepare Soil:  Have landscape and garden soils tested now to determine soil balancing needs. Check winter mulch and replenish if needed. Stockpile leaves for mulch and composting throughout spring and summer.

Lawn Care:  Bring a sample of problem turf into your local Extension Office in a labeled plastic bag for analysis. A mulching mower makes raking leaves obsolete or use grass catcher as a mulch catcher. Use shredded leaves and grass clippings as a mulch or put into the compost bin.

Diseases/Pests to Look For:  Watch roots of removed annuals for nematodes (knots on the roots). Check houseplants for spider mites, scale and mealy bugs.

Prune:  After blooming, chrysanthemums should be cut back almost to the ground. Prune long, gangly shoots on shrubs. Remove dead and damaged wood from shrubs and trees.

Things To Plant In November

Early—Mid Month: Carrot, Chard, Mustard, Turnip
All Month: Lettuce, Radish, Spinach

Borage, Burnet, Caraway, Catnip, Celeriac, Chamomile, Chervil, Chives, Comfrey, Coriander, Cumin, Dill,Fennel, Fenugreek, Lemon Balm, Mexican Mint Marigold, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Santolina, Winter Savory, Sorrel, Thyme, Yarrow.


Flower Plants:
ajuga, alyssum, bluebonnet, butterfly weed, calendula, candytuft, carnation, cornflower, dianthus, daisy, euryops, forget-me-not, gazania, indian blanket, liatris, nasturtium, ornamental cabbage and kale, pansy, penstemon, petunia, phlox, obedient plant, snapdragon, stock.

Flower Seeds:
alyssum, bluebonnet, calendula, candytuft, cornflower, daisy, delphinium, hollyhock, larkspur, nasturtium, pansy, petunia, phlox, pinks, california poppy, scabiosa, snapdragon, sweet pea, sweet william, verbena, viola, wildflowers.

agapanthus, allium, alstroemeria, amarcrinum, amaryllis (in containers), anemone, ground orchid, calla, crinum, crocus, daffodil, freesia, spicer lily, ipheion, dutch iris, spuria iris, ixia, snowflake, lily, liriope, monkey grass, muscari, star of bethlehem, rain lily, society garlic, spraxis, aztec lily, watsonia.

Courtesy of the Garden Guide for Austin & Vicinity, published by the Travis County Master Gardener Association, copyright 2000-2002, via of Central Texas Gardener

Remember that today is the day your voice should be heard.  Get out there and vote!


  1. Your pictures always make my heart smile.

  2. margaret christine09 November, 2011

    And so do your comments, sweet friend! I always wanted to take better pictures over the years, but didn't start my hobby in earnest until I took Photography at St Ed's last spring. A whole new world opened up and it was as if I could 'paint the pictures in my head' with a camera. My husband has been very supportive and more classes, cameras, photo assignments, road trips, and workshops have ensued, and its now neck and neck for what I enjoy more, the cooking, or the shooting. Thank you for your encouragement!


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