Come join our #FoodDayBlogAlong!


A few weeks ago, I had the distinct pleasure to join my friend, Mary, of Mary Makes Dinner at the SXSW ECO conference in Austin.  We had to opportunity to learn about new ideas from experts in topics of conservation, sustainability, green energy, and more. Particularly exciting was the inclusion of so many food supply-related forums, a subject near and dear to our hearts. I wanted to soak in every word to share with those of you who are interested, like we are, in leading a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle.  And I wanted to hear what you had to share, too!

We got to thinking.....what if we could have an open dialogue with like-minded bloggers out there, and what better time to launch the discussion than Food Day, a "nationwide celebration of and a movement for healthy, affordable, and sustainable food."

So straight from Mary's mouth (cause she's just so good at this!).......

Let's blog together to make a difference for what we love most, food!

What Should I Blog About?
Blog about any food topic that encourages healthy food, sustainable food, and accessible food. Choose a topic that resonates with you personally, something that you are passionate about.  Here are some ideas:

Whole Foods Recipes and Cooking Ideas
Eating Processed Foods vs. Whole Foods
Eating Local Foods
The Benefits of Organic Food
What Are GMO Foods?
The Need For Sustainable Seafood
Your Favorite Whole Food / Local Food / Organic Food Restaurants
Highlight Your Favorite Local Farm or Farmers Market
Feature Your Favorite Food Activism Organization
Special Diets: Vegan, Vegetarian, Etc.
Easy Ways to Eat More Sustainable Food
Easy Ways to Eat Healthier Foods
International Hunger - How You Can Help
Domestic Hunger - How You Can Help
American Food Deserts

I look forward to sharing my own experience with in.gredients, "Austin’s zero-waste, package-free microgrocer selling local food with pure ingredients", and the fantastic (if I don't say so myself) full meal I made from all products sourced from their stock of seasonal, sustainable, and locally-grown food, along with spices, grains, seasonings, and condiments that they offer as well.  It's an exciting prospect!

Where/When Should I Write My Blog Post?

Publish your Food Day post (or posts) on your own blog between now and Tuesday, October 23, 2012.
Leave a link to your post in the comments on this post, or send the link to us via email, through the email button in the above right column. Please also include links to your Twitter handle and Facebook blog page, if you have them. That will make it easier for us to promote you and your post.
We'll publish a list of everyone's posts on Mary Makes Dinner and on Notes From Maggie's Farm on Food Day, October 24, 2012.
We'll also share your posts on our Food Day Pinterest Board, and on our social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Google+)
You can help promote the Food Day Blog Along using the hashtag #FoodDayBlogAlong on G+, Twitter, and Pinterest!
We'll email each of you with the list of posts so that you can promote them too.

Helpful Information and Resources

Visit for more information on Food Day, and for resources on the topics you plan to write about.
Visit for information on organic food, legislation, activism, GMOs, and more.

We've already received some excellent posts, and more are coming in! Won't you join the conversation?

Food Day Blog-Along Posts


  1. Wonderful idea! Sounds like the SXSW ECO conference was extremely informative. Might have to go next year. ' in.gredients' = great concept.

    Here is a link to my post in celebration of Food Day:

    1. Awesome! Thanks so much for joining up! I'll be updating around noon today with all of the links that came in overnight. Thank you so much for your hard work!

  2. Hi there Maggie I actually finished my post, I wasn't sure if I would make the deadline but I did Yay me!! I hope this is okay, I haven't been blogging consistently for very long so I am re-building my writing chops and switching my talking points. Hope this is at the very least interesting to view. Thanks for the opportunity to be part of something.

    1. Thank you so much for blogging along with us! I'll be linking your post around noon today, along with the others that have come in overnight. Can't wait to see your contribution to the efforts up on the page!

  3. I am so glad that you and Mary are doing this!! Keep up the great work on spreading the word.
    My post:

  4. Thank you all for making this #fooddayblogalong a roaring success!


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