today, I'm grateful that I'm done!

(almost) wordless wednesday: days of gratitude
notes from maggie's farm

Today, I'm Grateful that I'm Done!

I'm done with the final exam in French, that is.  

And to celebrate, I'm going to the movies.  

A movie, set in France!  It's a dark and rainy day, and I can think of no better way to celebrate the end of the French final than an afternoon in the theatre, and a movie, set in France.  I'm going to see the critically-acclaimed Hugo, (and, naturally, I'll let you know just what I think of it in the next few days.)  

this really isn't me.  i would never wear that ring.  but i do have that beauty mark.
my grandmother said it was a beauty mark, not a mole!!

Have a lovely afternoon, yourselves, please.

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