Meet Me At The Market:
Lemon Rosemary Gorgonzola Quick Vinaigrette

I mentioned a few months ago that I'd be working less as a farmer, and more often, in support of them. (You can read more, here. 'Member? )

WELL.  I'm just tickled green to share with you my partnership with Texas Farmers Markets.  Along with behind-the-scenes work as marketing coordinator and market-day photographer, I have the honor of being their Guest Chef, monthly.  This weekend, I'm on my way to the Cedar Park Market  on Saturday, and the Mueller Market, Sunday, where I'll be preparing this Farmers Market Favorite, dressed with Lemon Rosemary Gorgonzola Quick Vinaigrette

Before anyone gets their feathers all a'fluffed, let me say straight away that this is not a proper vinaigrette. It's a quick vinaigrette. Ideal for those days when pulling out the whisk and doing the emulsification a proper vinaigrette requires is just more than one woman can bare  Um, bear. WHATEVER!  We're BUSY, aren't we folks?!

So, consider this quickie solution when there is not one extra minute to spend in the kitchen, and as a quick and delicious way to give your market haul a fancy little suit-up for supper.

Yield: approximately 8 ounces

Fill a half pint jar 2/3 full of your favorite best-quality olive oil.  Combine with the zest (Seriously. Zest your lemons, friends.The zest gives that sweet lemony-bright hint that sets this apart from those bottled babies) and juice of 3 lemons (or to taste).  

Crumble about a tablespoon or so (again, to taste) into jar, and snip the tender leaves (not stem!) of fresh rosemary right into the jar, too.

Add kosher salt, and freshly-cracked pepper. How much?  To taste, of course. No, really, a good rule of thumb when pulling casual dressings like this together is to salt and pepper the surface of the dressing. You will then cover the jar and shake the dickens out of it. (That's a technical term, somewhere)  Then you'll take a little vegetable slice from your salad, give 'er a dip, and taste it. Alternatively, use your finger. Your clean finger. I do it all the time, if I'm just cooking for me. 

Okay, get a spoon if you have guests. 

Do remember to store this dressing in the refrigerator. The risk of botulism is greater when additives are added to oil, and kept at room temperature. In terms of food safety, the ideal way to prepare your dressing for the next day's meal, is to run the jar under warm, running water, to soften the olive oil, which solidifies under refrigeration.

If you're in the Austin area, please stop by the Cedar Park Farmers Market, this Saturday, from 10am-Noon, and the Mueller Farmers Market this Sunday, from 11-1, to try this in person, and enjoy, with me, these warm and vibrant communities that support, and include our local farmers.


  1. I wish I could stop by to support you, but I'm on lacrosse duty all weekend. I know you will do great , show em what you gots gurl.

    1. Thanks you for your support from afar, friend, and good luck to the Lacrosse girlie!


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