Change is in the Air:
New Directions From Maggie's Farm

“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” -unknown*

Well, hello there.

Remember me? It's been a while, hasn't it? I've missed you!

And so much has happened during this brief hiatus. Okay. You've got me there. Not so brief.

If you've been around here for a while, you'll know I'm not often at a loss for words. Not even a shortage.

I suppose there is a first for everything.

But this post was just so hard to get out!  I kept writing it in my mind, and lo and behold, as soon as I had it all tidy and pithy and eloquent, something new would come along to rattle my bearings and it would need rewriting.  I wanted it to be light and funny.  I was having a hard time making it all light and funny.  Because it's really not been all that light and funny.

Simply put, it's been a wild ride.

Friends, there have been a lot of changes in Maggie's world....lots.  Lessons learned, losses endured, the highest of highs, and, occasionally, the lowest of lows.  It was one of those years.  You've probably had a few of them, yourself.

Some changes, good, some changes, challenging.  Loss both public (Goodbye fifty pounds! Hello fifth decade!) and private.

I'm not being purposefully vague, although I can see it may appear that way. But it's all so, so, well so MUCH. So let's just cut to the chase and I'll tell you what's going on NOW, and, perhaps, little by little, I'll be sharing what's happened along the way in blog-sized bits.

The NOW part, after all, is the EXCITING part.

This little country mouse is now a sassy city mouse!  I'm excited to be working in support of local farmers, here in Austin, and the surrounding Texas counties.  I'm thrilled to be traveling by foot, bike, car, bus and rail with my bestie-- the trusty Nikon, capturing the sights. I'm absolutely stoked to be visiting the restaurants, cafes, kitchens, food trucks, dive bars, holes in the wall, specialty shops, wine trails, community gardens, farmers' markets and more in this fair city, state, and occasionally when wanderlust gets the best of me, beyond.

Watch for some changes here, too. There are plans for this little blog.  And plans for another, less food-centric, more personal-window-on-the-world blog, too. (There's a little sneak preview of the mood of my new project at the end of this post.  I'd love to have you join me there, soon!) I'm exhilarated by it all. Of course I'll keep you informed all along the way.

Sharing my window on the world.

Will I be in the kitchen?  Heck YEAH, I'll be in the kitchen. I've expanded my catering operations, resumed cottage food production, and the few days a week I formerly spent cooking at a University of Texas sorority grew, last semester, into meal preparation for anywhere from 70 to over 250 chapter members and guests, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as many as 6 days a week. That's a lot of meal prep. And a lot of sorority girls.

I've been at it in my own little kitchen, too; my new sweet spot in the center of the city, only blocks from downtown, right in the thick of things. I've fed the frat boys next door endless bowls of pasta and sauce. I've baked, and broken, bread for my newest neighbors. I've been abuzz and a-bike, collecting ingredients from local markets and specialty shops and generally doing that thing I well, feed well, hone my skills,--sharing that special kind of culinary care the best way I know. I can't wait to share the domestic alchemy with you.

“I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.  Delicious Ambiguity.” 

― Gilda Radner

You know they say that no matter where you go, there you are, and though, outwardly, the world as I've known it for a while has experienced a tectonic shift, I'm still here. Some of my best cheerleaders and partners in crime have passed on. Animals I'd come to love and cherish are now being loved and cherished away from me. The idyllic peace (mostly), and traffic-lite country highways are now displaced by rush hours and public transportation. Yet, here I am. Perhaps a bit road-weary, but dust me off a little, and really, I'm the same Maggie I've always been.

Taking the moment and making the best of it.  Never really knowing what might happen next.

Celebrating Delicious Ambiguity.

(Gilda always did get it right, didn't she?)

A little peak at my newest project in the queue, Through the Lens of a Late Bloomer.

*This quote, often attributed to Marilyn Monroe, has no clear source upon research.


  1. Such a beautiful late bloomer at that!

    1. Thank you sweet soul! Must be that snazzy new lipstick. (I LOVE IT! THANK YOU!)

  2. Congrats on getting back on the horse! Can't wait to see what you do with your new blog! I love the name of it.

    1. The horse bucked, but I wrangled it into submission,, and on to submission. Thank you so much for your encouragement to dive back in, and for the new blog! It was totally a work inspired by you. Mad Maggie was awfully tempting! (lordy, the exclamation points!!)

  3. Well, look at you lady. You done brushed off your knees and picked yourself up. I am super proud of you. I can only imagine that this next adventure blog will have all the same heart and soul as it did when you were writing from the farm. I truly look forward to seeing all the new pictures and stories that will be coming from the city mouse.

    1. Delighted, but not the least bit surprised that you've been one of the first to congratulate me on my new direction, as it was you who was the first to support the first blog-o-adventure. Thank you, sweet friend. Much love!

  4. I'm excited that you're a city mouse now, and look forward to seeing more of you, Maggie :-)

    1. I'm counting on it, Jodi! Thank you! (Name a time and place and I'll meet your fabulous self there!)

  5. Catching up with you again, after all the years, has been really great. Unfortunately brought about by the illness and death of our dear friend, Madelon. Loving that you are in the heart of Austin, TX, one of my favorite cities. I lived in an apartment close to downtown oh so many years ago when I was in school. Can picture you there! Madelon's friends are trying to pull off a supper, lunch or whatever memorial for her this weekend (her 74th birthday would have been this Friday). If you can be in Baton Rouge for it, that would be wonderful. If not, it just may have to be one of many. Penny

    1. I can't help but think our Madelon had something to do with that catching back up, and I am so grateful. I'll bet I live within spitting distance of that apartment of yours. I don't think I can pull off this weekend, but I will be with you all in spirit, and I'll be with you by telephone, if I may call and cackle a bit with my favorite girls?

  6. What exciting news! Looking forward to what lies ahead for you! :-)

    1. Hi Kenley! What a pleasure to see your happy face, and kind words. I've missed you!

  7. Welcome back! I've missed you! Both the PERSON you & the BLOG you! Looking forward to what's to come.

    1. And I'm looking forward to catching up with you both by blog and in person! Thank you for being so supportive of my adventures, my friend.

  8. Life is funny. You can be going along doing the same thing, comfortable with life, and BAM! It changes overnight. But in the end, if you willingly subject yourself to that change, floating along like a raft in a white water rapid, you learn new things and see life with new eyes. And I think, that may be the purpose. Or one of them. Maybe we get too comfortable with our lives and take too much for granted. Maybe we need the changes to refocus ourselves and to see life and to LIVE it again. Whatever the reason, I am glad you've come through and are living a new life with a wisdom that only comes from what you've gone through. Now it's your turn to share it so that, maybe, we can also see life with new eyes. Welcome back my sweet friend! You have been missed.

    1. Though I want the universe to know that I AM NOT COURTING DISASTER (!!), I do find that our capacity for joy can be directly related to our knowledge of sorrow. Thank you so much for your support and wisdom, friend. Much love!

  9. Although I've lived most of Maggie's adventures, I'm looking forward to reading about them. I really enjoy the way that Maggie tells a story.

    1. I am reminded of that funny line, 'nothing ruins a good story like an eyewitness'.

      Thank you for the encouragement!

  10. We miss the Country Mouse, but it sounds like this new life is specially made for you. Enjoy!

    1. The country mouse misses you, too! When are you coming to Austin?? (I mean if you can get to JAPAN, I'm thinking Austin won't be much a a journey!)

  11. YAY Maggie! So proud of you and can't wait to hear more about your new adventures!

    1. Thank you my dear friend! Oh the Places (We'll) Go!


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