thirsty thursday: valentine's day edition
raspberry lambic float

Never has something so lovely, so delicious, been so difficult to photograph!

I wanted to get the whole, sun-going-down, make-you-and-yours-a-special-Valentine's Day-treat, atmosphere.  The ice cream wouldn't cooperate.  It was DEElicious, but perhaps a simple vanilla would have  looked a might tidier.

Or maybe it was the fact that I had three dogs, and four puppies, scattering around my ankles on the front porch.

Maybe it was because sometimes, sometimes food isn't tidy.  And in this case, maybe this time, the messier, the better.

Because, my Thirsty Thursday valentines......this was a thing of beauty, as far as my palate was concerned.

And simple. But not tidy.

I pulled out some pretty glasses, a pint of raspberry chocolate ice cream (which is one way you could go, or that fabulous chocolate cherry that's around this time of year, or simply vanilla, too....),  a handful of raspberries, and ice-cold Framboise Lambic, a belgian fruit ale.

I rimmed the glasses by dipping in water, then a shallow dish of pretty red sugar, and a few scoops of ice cream.  Perhaps a few scoops less would have looked tidier.  Who the heck cares about tidy?

I carefully poured this gorgeously-labeled lambic over all, and watched it foam like magical scrubbing bubbles.  Foam is delicious, but, again, not very tidy.  Who the heck cares about tidy?

The Lambic, on it's own, is intensely fruity, effervescent, smooooooth, and sweet.  I can't imagine more than one bottle at a sitting, but I found it quite nice from a cold glass, alone, and FANTASTIC over ice cream.  We'll be doing this again.

I did a little research on Lambic, and it kind of made my eyes cross, so I'm including the links, below, and sparing you my summary.  

It's Valentine's Day, after all, and you have better ways to spend your time.

All About Beer: Fruit Lambic
Beer Advocate: Lindeman's Framboise

But do grab a bottle at the grocery on your way home.  But don't expect it to look tidy.  Who the heck cares about tidy?

We'll be continuing our celebration of Chinese New Year, the Year of the Snake, with some healthy, and auspicious eats tomorrow, and we'd love to see you back right here, on Freestyle Friday, Notes From Maggie's Farm.

Happy Valentine's Day, Y'all!


  1. Looks delicious! Sometimes things that taste the best are not the easiest to photograph. Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's day!

    1. Hi sweet Steph!

      Thanks so much for dropping by. Tom and I both agreed that this mess was marvelous! lol

      Hope you had a sweet Valentine's Day, too!

  2. Lovely! all the foam and pretty sugar made for a very romantic drink. Happy V day to you and the Mr.

    1. Thank you kind friend! I hope your family meal was and sweet and loving as it sounded! Thank you for making time to visit this post. You're a great valentine!



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