(almost) wordless wednesday
louie mueller barbecue in taylor, texas

Every corner, every wall, every nook and cranny of Louie Mueller Barbecue, in Taylor, Texas is a snapshot of history.

A near-50 year history, that sadly was marred this past weekend by the destruction by fire, or two fires, actually, of the original ceramic brick pit.

Read More:  Second Fire at Louie Mueller Barbecue Destroys Original Brick Pit,
Virginia Wood, Austin Chronicle

We were there only a week earlier, visiting with Wayne Mueller, about the most gracious BBQ host I've had the pleasure to meet, as he showed us around the iconic spot, home to at least one in our company's favorite barbecue in Central Texas.  We look forward to sharing that day, and many more snapshots, when Louie Mueller Barbecue was the 'breakfast' cue for a day long BBQ comparison, covering about 300 miles, 8 pits, trays of brisket, ribs, sausage, sides and more.

Mueller's placed the bar uncompromisingly high.  We were heart-broken to hear of their misfortune.

Happily, not all was lost, and Mueller's expects to be back in business by week-end.

Stop by and give them a little moral support if you're in the area, or, say, anywhere within a 300 mile radius.  Louie Mueller's Barbecue is well worth the drive.

Keep up with the news, and progress towards reopening on Louie Mueller's Facebook page.  Should you like to help out, and in return, own a little piece of barbecue history......

Even though the brick pit cannot be saved, it will live on. We will be salvaging as many porcelain-lined, exterior bricks and squares of steel plate lids as possible. Each brick / Steel Square will be stenciled / marked commemorating its heritage as Louie Mueller Barbecue's 1st brick pit, in operation from 1959 to 2013.

Each brick / Steel Square will be signed, numbered and include a certificate outlining its pedigree.

Proceeds will be used to offset out-of-pocket expenses incurred in rebuilding the new brick pit. Any funds not used to rebuild our beloved brick edifice will go to the establishment of a foundation whose mission will include the education and preservation of Texas heritage and culture.

Price of the bricks and Steel Squares will be determined once demotion is complete. Check back often for updates on pricing, ordering and distribution information.

On behalf of all of us here at Louie Mueller Barbecue, thank you for all your love and support through a turbulent time in (Y)OUR history. We can't begin to express how much we love and appreciate you all!
And stay tuned for Louie Mueller Barbecue's spot in our upcoming Austin Food Blogger Alliance City Guide 2013 feature on Barbecue: The Outskirts of Austin.  

It was a tough job, but someone had to eat some barbecue.  

Lots and lots of barbecue.

1 comment:

  1. I was so upset when I heard the news about LM, especially after the fabulous hospitality that Wayne showed us. I hope they can overcome. Scratch that, I KNOW they will!


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