in celebration of food day 2012 and our #fooddayblogalong
in.gredients: austin's premier package-free microgrocer

Part of the Plan:  "Sourcing our food locally is extremely important. By buying and selling locally, we can stimulate the local economy, reduce the energy being used to transport food from region to region, and avoid packaging and preservatives since the product doesn’t need to stay “fresh” for weeks on end"
 "Fresh. Local. Zero Waste.  Pure in.gredients.  Sustainable food made easy."

Along the side-walked line of Manor Road, fast becoming one of the hippest spots in an already ultra hip East Side of Austin, comes one of the newest kids on the block, in.gredients, the city's first package-free grocer.  "A collaborative effort between business, community, and consumers with the goal of eliminating food-related waste while supporting local businesses and farmers", in.gredients hung their shingle out in early August of this year, and is open from 8am-10pm, daily.

Part of the Plan:  "We seek to eliminate unnecessary packaging in our microgrocer--on the front end (our shelves) and back end (how we get products from our vendors).  We promise to offer our products in bulk and work with vendors who will deliver their products to us sustainably"

Their Concern

"Over 700,000 tons of garbage is placed in American landfills on a daily basis. Packaging makes up nearly 40 percent of that. Packaging waste is a big deal – especially when we’re consuming energy to produce, consume, and recycle things that aren’t always necessary. The way we do things now is damaging the environment at our own cost."-- from the website,

Part of the Plan: "Food with pure ingredients is healthier than food with chemically-manufactured preservatives and artificial dyes. While almost all of the products we sell in our store are basic ingredients, not prepared foods, when we choose prepared products we ensure they contain pure ingredients and avoid products with artificial additives or controversial ingredients"

Their Mission

"Our mission is to minimize waste and promote healthy, sustainable lifestyles by selling local food with pure ingredients, package-free."

It was a joy to visit this small grocery, but micro didn't mean incomplete.  I was able to procure everything I needed, thanks to helpful and enthusiastic team members, for what I'd planned to make to enjoy a sunny fall supper on the porch-- Pumpkin Mixed Bean Cassoulet with Pork Belly, with their abundance of fresh, wholesome, local product. I can't wait to share the results, the recipe, and more about my visit, with you on tomorrow's post.

Afterwards, I spent a little time on a sunny afternoon, enjoying the gardens, the tables, the interaction with community that in.gredients is building, and nurturing.  

I look forward to returning.
Part of the Plan: "...We hope to teach our community how just a few simple changes to the way we live can reduce waste and promote healthy living. We strive to be actively in.volved in our local community, and have designed our store to maximize community on-site. We’d love for you to join us."


Thank you for visiting Notes from Maggie's Farm. I'd love to hear your thoughts!