On the Road: Austin Food Blogger Alliance at Springdale Farms

on the road 
notes from maggie's farm

We're going to be PUBLISHED, y'all.

Well, let me clarify.  We're going to have some food, and some pictures, published in a community cookbook, if all pass muster.

We are absolutely over the moon at the prospect. And we're proud as punch to be a part of the community of Austin Food Blogger Alliance, which is producing the collection, and provided the opportunity for us to all get together for a sampling of many of the dishes included in the book, recipes for which were tested by fellow members.  

We were hosted by the lovely Springdale Farm, who graciously handed over their personal space, along with the gorgeous grounds, for us to use in photographing dishes, and gnoshing together amid the pastoral setting. All of the farm-lovely nooks and crannies left us swooning.  I had to get a few shots of non-dishes, too, natch.

If you're in the area, do make a trip to Springdale Farms for the public farm stand they operate every Wednesday and Saturday, from 9-1pm, for  They offer the very best seasonal vegetables and eggs for purchase. If you're lucky, you might just catch Fatback Boucherie, which provides delectable creole fare from a food trailer on the grounds. 

And do stay tuned for what's sure to be a diverse and delicious glimpse of Austin's diverse food blogger world, with the publication of the Austin Food Blogger Alliance cookbook, out soon! You might just see a little bit of this, and this, if we're lucky!

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. Congrats! Your food always looks (and I'm sure tastes) amazing. Springdale Farm looks like a wonderful place to host such an event.

    1. Thank you, Steph! Springdale Farm is just lovely, and so are the owners. They truly are 'local heroes'.

  2. Thanks so much for all your help with the book, Maggie! I feel so privileged to work with such a wonderful group of people on this project.

    1. Oh, sister, it is an honor to work with AFBA, and you have really rocked it with this endeavor. Thank YOU for all of your hard work!

  3. I really wish I had been able to make the potluck -- it sounds like it was a fabulous event! I also regret that I didn't arrive on the Austin scene early enough to be a part of the cookbook. *sniff* I can't wait to see it though -- I know it will be amazing. If there is anything I can do to help behind the scenes, please don't hesitate to let me know. For real.

    1. Lauren,
      We're so happy to have you on board. Looking forward to collaborating with you in the future, and you bet you'll be called upon! Thanks for dropping in!

  4. Thanks Sister-this made me feel like I was there. I can't wait for this book to be published. I'm giddy just thinking about it. Love you and love these photos.

    1. We sure missed our Kristina! Thank you for stopping in and your sweet comments, even while you're on vacay. Love you back!

  5. It was a great event and such a lovely location! Can't wait to see the book! :)

  6. Sorry I didn't get a chance to visit with you, Elizabeth. Hope to get a chance to visit, soon. I love what you do on that fabulous blog of yours.
    Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Keep me posted on the cookbook - I'll buy one! That ceiling fan and that oven make me SWOON. Beautiful

    1. Oh Deb, this HOUSE. It was just gorgeous. I didn't want to invade their privacy by taking pics of their personal space, but I just HAD to share these few. I looked across the kitchen at Tom, and he just said "I know. I'm taking notes."
      Thanks for dropping by, sweets!

  8. If I haven't told you lately, I <3 u, Ladybug. Love the pics, love the blog, love u. Privileged to call you my friend.

    1. I love you back my Christybug! You are such a sweetheart!! Are you going to BlogathonATX tomorrow? I didn't get to spend nearly enough time with you at the potluck! BTW, I went to T&J the other day, and felt like I was cheating on you...hahaha

  9. This is an awesome news! Congrats and in fact, I also passed on a blogger award to you :-) Hope you like my introduction about you ...


    1. Thank you so much, my friend! What an honor. And thank you for dropping in, as always. Have a great week!


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