sweet spot : rudy

saturday simplicity
notes from maggie's farm

I think we each have a personal sweet spot. It's the state of mind in which we experience the most joy and satisfaction in being ourselves.  And from that place of pleasure and joy in being ourselves, energy arises to flow out into our day bringing with it the depth and resonance of our own beingness, bringing with it blessing.  --David Spangler

It helps to have feedback from a trusted source...

And it may take a little work...

A little practice...

approaching from different angles...

even quiet contemplation...

 but when you do find it...ahhhhhhhh.

Here's to you, and to finding your sweet spot, today.
Have a great weekend!


  1. He sure looks comfortable! I think this is definitely a good goal for me today : )

    1. Hi, Ann--
      Thanks for dropping by today. Here's hoping you find your sweet spot, even if it IS a MONDAY.

  2. Rudy is precious! He has the right idea! I will strive for this today!!

    1. We have four dogs, and don't tell the others, but Rudy is definitely the best-behaved of the bunch. And nimble! He jumped from the ground to the front porch, 4 ft high, in one fell swoop this morning. I am going to start paying more attention to Rudy, him finding his sweet spot and scaling tall buildings and all.....

      Thanks for dropping by, Winnie!

  3. Oh this made me chuckle. To be as happy as a dog rolling in the grass!

    1. Cool, soft grass. Ahhhhh.

      Welcome home! Thanks for stopping by! Tell your new dog that Rudy says welcome to Texas.


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