guest post: summer hydration!

thirsty thursday
notes from maggie's farm

"Summer afternoon, summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." ~ Henry James
I'm off to the county fair to ply my wares today, and in my place, honored to have a special guest join us for some pretty, delicious thirst quenching for your summer pleasure.  Please welcome my sweet blogging friend, Kristina, from Girl Gone Grits.

   It's not often that you are asked to be a Ghost writer for the same person that inspires you every day to write yourself.  This warm Summer morning in June I was asked just that. In case you don't know this little secret about food bloggers we are constantly reading and keeping up on other bloggers; it helps inspire us to continue doing what we love.  Maggie has been one of my biggest inspirations when it comes to writing. Her photography has inspired me to be better at creating a story within my pictures. Her stories of living on the farm make you actually feel like your gathering eggs and feeding animals right along side of her. 
   Because it's June and we are in the south I feel like I have to start with hydration. Living in Texas (whether on a farm of in the heart of the city) gives a whole new meaning to hydration. People of the south know how important liquid refreshments are. So when that hot summer sun is beating down on you and you are desperate for a little shade and a cool breeze try making one of these cool drinks. Sipping on one of these libations may just be the right thing to conjure up some summer stories of your own  
   I'm jus' sayin'! 
"A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken." ~ James Dent

Summer Hydration!


Sometimes too much to drink is barely enough.

 ~Mark Twain

The temperature alone will bring you running to the nearest watering hole. Why not have some fun with your hydration? Whether you add spirits to your glass or just enjoy an icy cold glass of H2O you can still make it festive.  Staying cool in the summer is what it's all about so if you like it straight up, on ice, with fruit or fizz, do it with pizazz... I'm jus' sayin'! 

This Delicious Frozen Sangria is courtesy of Hilah Cooking
You can find the recipe here at this link.

Thank you, Kristina!


  1. I think drinks in mason jars are more refreshing than non mason jars. ;)

    1. I think you may be right, Linda. In fact, I'm going to go fill this one I've got on my desk up for, like, the 5th time today. Man, I'm thirsty! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Feeling very honored this morning-Thank you -and good luck at the fair we are all crossing our fingers for you.

    1. Oh heck, girl, I'm honored YOU shared your post! Thank you!!

  3. I'll have one of each please! (that apricot one looks gorgeous!) Do I need to host a cocktail party on my back porch? :)

  4. Not sure if I properly understood...

  5. I am drooling for a few of them right now...Oh my. I am off to check out your blog Kristina. How fun! Hope Maggie is having fun at the fair!

    1. Thanks Winnie-And thanks for taking the time to knock on my door.

    2. Thanks, Winnie, for the sweet words for my blogging friend! She is an incredibly gifted food stylist, and I'm thirsty, now, all over again! Kristina, when you get a chance, stop by Winnie's blog:, and be inspired by her beautiful artwork.


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