visions of sugar plums

(almost) wordless wednesday
notes from maggie's farm

A great big thank you to my fabulous cousin, T.R. Ryan, for the honor of sharing his posts with me, and I, with you, while I am away this week.  Follow Tim on his blog, From the Faraway, Nearby.  You are in for a treat!

While Visions of Sugar Plums Dance in My Head

T.R. Ryan

Wild plum blossoms - Wichita Mountains - Oklahoma - March 2011

I wake with a long sigh,

My pillow and my matting

Are the lost clouds I was in.

...And this is the way it always is with human joy:

Ten thousand things run forever like water toward the east.

-Shao Yong "Plum Blossom Poem"

There is perhaps nothing more divine

then the scent of wild plum blossom

perfuming the prairie wind
as winter's steady bleakness
reluctantly gives way to spring
rendering one breathless with fortune

As if just woken up from a long winter's nap

Wild Plum Blossoms

Spring in the Wichita Mountains

March 2011



  1. Gorgeous! Wonderful post. Your cousin is extremely talented. Must run in the family:)

  2. Isn't he? I admire him so and hope to have a tiny inkling of his talent by virtue of good genes. Thank you, Steph! Missed your kind words while I was 'offline'.

  3. Ahh, don't let her fool you - she has beaucoup's more talent than I.

  4. So beautiful! I love the words along with the wordless.

    1. Tim just has a spectacular way with spare beauty of both word and image. Thank you for dropping by!


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