sweet chili-rimmed avocado margarita

thirsty thursday
notes from maggie's farm

My birthday falls in December, right before Christmas, when folks, including myself, are always the busiest.  Sometimes, lots of times, it kind of gets swept under the rug.  There are parties, and obligations, and final exams and we always have the best of intentions to make up for it after Christmas, but then comes New Year's and the National Championship, and the Super Bowl, and Valentine's Day.....and, yeah, we forget.

But, I'm very lucky to have friends that don't!  Like my friend, Janet, who's dinner invitation is still waiting for ME.  And the cookie swap that my friends Kate, and Kristina, and Suzanna all took time out of their very busy holiday prep for, to meet over coffee and goodies after one particularly grueling day of final exams.  And, my dear friend Karen ,who, in the midst of the craziness that is the season, always makes time, and makes ME make time, for what has become kind of a tradition for us--Curra's!

Curra's is a delicious interior Mexican restaurant in (fabulously funky) South Austin.  Many Mexican restaurants dot this town and many have great chips, great salsa, great food, or great margaritas.  Curra's has great chips, great salsa, great food, and great margaritas. Great all of them.  And on one night in mid-December they have all of that, and two great friends having a great big laugh or 10, and a great time.  I love my Karen, and I love my Curra's.   I don't know what more one birthday girl could want. 

Unless, that is, of course, great chips, great salsa, great food, great friends, great laughs, great times, and ONE GREAT AVOCADO MARGARITA!  Or two.  Or.....well, we do drink responsibly, of course. 

Curra's makes this avocado margarita, that upon first glance, seems mighty odd.  But after peppery, salty chips, salsa, and limey stuff (which may or may not mean a first original margarita) this avocado cocktail goes down mighty smoothly.  I love it!  And I bet you will, too.

I've done a little experimenting, and I think I've come up with an avocado margarita as close to Curra's as possible (cause they aren't giving up their recipe no matter how many eyelashes you bat.), and given it a little from maggie's farm twist by rimming the glass with a sweet chili sugar salt that spices things up rather nicely, in my humble opinion. 

sweet chili-rimmed
avocado margarita
for 2 

For sweet chili sugar salt, combine 1T favorite chili powder, 1T finely granulated sugar, 1t kosher salt.  Moisten rim of glass completely with a wedge of lime, then roll the rim in the sugar salt pile, coating edge completely.  Set glass aside
In a blender, combine 1 large avocado (Hass), peeled and chunked, the juice of two limes, the juice of one orange, 1-2T agave nectar (or to taste), 4 oz orange liqueur (We used Cointreau), 4 oz. tequila blanco (anejo, if you have a little extra cash or a well-stocked liquor cabinet), and about 3 cups of crushed ice.  Blend until smooth.  Adjust to desired sweetness.  Strain into prepared glass. 


You may already know, but this thing has health benefits!  Avocado is a superfood, with anti-inflammatory properties, high in fiber and vitamins, and also boasts healthy monounsaturated fats, essential in raising 'good' cholesterol and lowering triglycerides.  For more information, see the links below.  Also, don't miss the informative tequila links, including our friend, Bob, on his blog, Tequila Tracker .

AND, come back this weekend.  We have some excellent 'pub grub' to enjoy with that special margarita.  We're giving a new life to .....

Read More:
Tequila Tracker , our friend and fellow Austin Food Blogger Alliance member, Bob really knows his stuff.
About Tequila
WHFoods: Avocados
Avocado Nutrition Information
Web M.D.: 8 Healthy Facts about Avocados


  1. YUM! My two favorite things in one drink:) Looking forward to your upcoming posts.

  2. It looks a little freaky, but it's delish! I'm toying with the idea of doing a leftovers post each Saturday. We'll see how this goes.

  3. I am ready to go to Curra's right now girl - whatchoo say??

  4. That sounds just about FANTASTIC!!

  5. okay the verdict is in. Thumbs up this one is great! At first the texture was a bit different but then the flavors rocked it! Thanks Maggie.

    1. I was hesitant at first, but when I woke up the next day with no "too much lime" burn in my throat, I was hooked! I also added mango and cilantro to one version, and I loved that one, too. Thank you for trying it out!


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