
tips for tuesday
notes from maggie's farm

"As for the garden of mint, the very smell of it alone recovers and refreshes our spirits, as the taste stirs up our appetite."
--Pliny, Roman naturalist

I was about 3 years old when I discovered mint in my grandmother's garden. 

There were no vegetable gardens in my urban family's life.  The only thing I knew that grew was flowers and grass, except those red things from the next door neighbor's flower bed that I picked, then got on my skin, and on my lips, and in my eyes, and as my mother tells it, blinded me for an entire afternoon.  Those were called peppers, and they were fruits of the devil, I was told. And I believed! 

And nothing but dirt grew in that corner of the backyard that was off limits for playing.  Dirt, sand, and cat poo. But nothing you'd ever want to eat--no food came from the dirt.  Food came from Piggly Wiggly. 

But then, I found, growing in the very back of my grandmother's garden, a mound of the freshest smelling green stuff that I'd ever happened upon.  It smelled so good, I knew right away that I shouldn't mess with it.  But I did, anyway.  I put a leaf in my mouth.  And it tasted good!  And it was magical.  I knew that if I ever got lost in the woods, I could find that stuff, and live on it forever.  That stuff was like freedom!  

I wasn't sure that I should tell anyone what I'd found.  I thought I'd 1) get in trouble, and 2) lose access.  But I eventually broke down and showed my grandmother what I'd found.  And do you know what she did?  She made me.............

A Glass Of Mint Tea!

So, yeah, mint is kind of special in my world.  And I'm certainly not the only one singing its praises.  Following, find everything you need to know about growing mint, cooking with mint, and, yes, drinking with mint. 

Also, recipes with mint on Notes From Maggie's Farm include:

What is your favorite way to grow, eat, or drink with mint? 


  1. Mint is one of my favorite herbs. So sweet that you discovered it in your Grandmother's garden. I definitely discovered my love of gardening from both my Grandmothers.

    I actually like drinking peppermint tea. Heard that it soothes the tummy.

    1. It really DOES soothe the tummy. I drink it almost every evening after I take a particular medication that makes me feel blehhh.

      Steph, my mother had a beautiful yard, but I loved the big ole roses of my grandmothers' gardens. My grandfather was definitely the vegetable gardener of the family, too.

  2. In tea - hot or cold

    1. I like it in both hot and cold, too! Thanks for your comment! (Comments to bloggers are like liver snaps are to puppies!)

  3. Peppers are the fruit of the devil? You crack me up!

    1. These particular peppers were most definitely fruits of the devil!

  4. Yum! Yum! Yum! Love mint in all its splendor! Can't wait to go through all the resources you have listed...just need more time!

    1. I think you've got your hands full right about now with all those goat babies! lol. Take care and get a little extra rest, if you can! These links will be around, promise. lol

  5. Thank you for stopping by, Suporna! It's great to have you.


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