around the world in five days: italy

thirsty thursday
notes from maggie's farm

photo by Levi Brown, courtesy of Bon Appetit

This whirlwind world culinary tour has us a tad dry.  Let's hit up Italy for a cocktail via Bon Appetit.

The Milano-Torino, an old-school Italian concoction named for the origins of its two main ingredients—Campari from Milan and Cinzano vermouth from Turin—became so popular with visiting Americans during Prohibition that it was renamed the Americano. Be a patriot: Rediscover a classic!

3 tablespoons Campari
1 1/2 tablespoons Carpano Antica Formula Vermouth
1 1/2 tablespoons Cinzano Rosso Vermouth
Club soda
1 orange twist and/or lemon wedge
Fill a highball glass with ice. Add Campari and Vermouths. Top with club soda; garnish with an orange twist or lemon wedge, or both. Serve with a straw.

I think I'll have a few of these before our next stop.  We cross the pond, tomorrow, for English Onion Soup with Sage and Cheddar to usher in the Epiphany, or Twelfth Night  as they call it in the UK.  More on that on Freestyle Friday.


  1. I've heard of it but have never had one-I will add it too my Happy hour list to try thanks!

  2. I think it's considered 'molto chic' in Italy..and easy on the tummy, good for fits of overindulgence, like huge plates of pasta...


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