days of gratitude: family

evening carols and days of gratitude
notes from maggie's farm

Today, I'm so grateful for my family.

Family by margaret christine perkins on Grooveshark
(If this music gets on your last nerve, just turn it off by pressing that big button right up there.  But really, it's very nice and family-like. C'mon, be a sport, give John Legend a try. It's about family!)

On days like these when highways are filled with traffic, I'm grateful that my family is safe.
I'm grateful for the laughter we share; the love and care and generosity, too.
I am grateful for happy holiday memories, and the way that being with family, whether in person, or in spirit, takes me right back to those days.

I'm grateful for the happy times, and even the hard times, too, because that's when family gathered around, and made itself known, made itself strong, and made me strong, too.

I am grateful for the loving legacy left by those that are not with us today, and the ways in which it is lived out by the ones that are.

I am grateful that our love doesn't change.

I love you, family.

Note:  None of these pictures are of my family.  We are all too darn busy this season to get some photos together at the last minute, but I have collected vintage pictures for a while, and these are of other people's families that seem just as happy as mine.  I thought about just pasting our faces over them, but didn't have the time for that either! Ah, reminds me of the most uttered words around this house, this time of year.

Oh do you remember
When the family was everything?
Oh do you remember?
It was so long ago and so much has changed
I wanna go back
Wanna go back to those simple days
I wanna go back
But now we've grown and gone our separate ways

Times is hard
And things are a changin'
I pray to God
That we can remain the same
All I'm trying to say is our love don't have to change
No it don't have to change

Do you remember
Back at Granny's house on Christmas Day?
Do you remember
How we'd gather 'round and sing all day?
I wanna go back
To playing basketball and football games
I wanna go back
To yesterday but it's not the same

Times is hard
And things are a changin'
I pray to God
That we can remain the same
All I'm trying to say is our love don't have to change
No it don't have to change

(John Legend)

Here's wishing you happy family memories today--


  1. I loved this post. Family truly is everything. Thanks for sharing. (I love that you have songs on all your posts!)
    Blessings && Merry Christmas!~*

  2. Thank you for your kind comment, Larissa. I am thankful for you and your support. I have really enjoyed having the 'evening carols' this month and I'm happy to hear you've enjoyed them, too.

    Have a Blessed Christmas!

    Margaret Christine

  3. Merry Christmas, Margaret! Wishing you many blessings in the coming year. :)

  4. Merry Christmas. Lindsay! I hope your you, and your family, have had a lovely holiday.

  5. Beautiful! That John Legend song is a favorite. By next year I promise to have a bunch of pics for you!!!

  6. Thank you, sweets! I'll try to have my act together a little sooner, too. I kind of enjoyed sharing my vintage collection this year.

    I love John Legend!


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